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Cross-country skiing and rifle shooting. Biathlon is Norway's secret martial art
Have we lost a generation of children during the Corona pandemic?
A simple exercise goal protects against unhealthy weight gain
Why do some alloys become stronger at room temperature?
Political pressure has made Norway lag behind on abortion research and foetal medicine, researchers say.
Can a halted ME study have consequences for other researchers?
The amazing discovery of a lost Viking settlement
Detecting mineral oil slicks in ice covered seas from space
Can we stop misinformation about Covid-19?
Controversial CFS/ME study loses ethical approval due to conflict of interest
The Viking version of Assassin’s Creed is surprisingly violent, according to researcher
Received medal for work on Norwegian Covid-test
Why do we love the Vikings so much?
Green quay will provide a green fjord
Reading autofiction can challenge and change what feels true
Monitoring youth athletes could reduce the risk of injuries
How does the pandemic affect refugee children, and how should adults talk to them to alleviate the trauma?
Norwegian police let suspects investigate their own financial crimes
New study shows Norwegians disagree about who was impacted by the terror attacks in 2011
Company plans to fully charge electric cars in 17.5 minutes
Increase in antibiotic-resistant E. coli infections
New report on gender equality in the Arctic
Young people make the least money on stocks
Truckers can help save money and the environment at the same time
Causes of death in Norway:Highest number of overdose deaths in Norway in 20 years
The whale: mascot for the environmental movement and sacred prey
Host populations often compete with refugees for scarce resources in poor countries
New method for sustainable production: Aiming to use bacteria to produce animal feed, medicine and plastics
The benefits of probiotics could change the impact of dangerous bacteria in oceans
Use of sleeping pills has doubled among Norwegian youth
Journey across the Polar Front
Sea monsters – and the natural explanations for them
Closing borders in 2020 reduced COVID-19 infections and fatalities
Establishing a plastics recycling plant in a refugee camp in Ethiopia
Vikings had a completely different relationship to animals than we have today
If horses hadn’t made it out of North America, they probably wouldn’t exist today
Why doesn’t all our air disappear into space?
What kind of side effects do people really get from the COVID-19 vaccine? Here’s how the Norwegian Medicines Agency is answering this question
Infants with systemic blood infections had alterations in their metabolism
Researchers conducted a gender equality experiment on 500 recruits
Puffin hunting in Iceland gives a unique insight into climate effects
Recycling of Eggshells into Biomaterials for Bone Regeneration
Fish and whales keep greenhouse gases in the ocean
Survivors from the Utøya massacre still struggle with trauma
Saturday games attract a significantly higher attendance at football matches
Studying bottom-dwelling fish and invertebrates across the polar front
Sea level rise from melting ice could be halved this century
Prehistoric megafloods were smaller than assumed
The world’s glaciers are melting faster than 20 years ago
Weight gain in the population is not due to less exercise
Is economic inequality in Norway really as bad as in the UK and France?
How protected are you after one dose of an mRNA vaccine?
Norwegian Medicines Agency about Johnson & Johnson:“We usually don’t use vaccines with lethal side effects”
Meet the tribe working on the RV «Kronprins Haakon»
Seabirds ring the alarm on ocean warming
Artificial intelligence might help diabetes patients to exercise safely
Old oak trees are nature's service station and full of drama
How are Polish and Lithuanian workers actually doing in Norway?
Norwegian health experts strongly disagree with the government's decision to offer Johnson & Johnson vaccine voluntarily
The idea that we only use 10 percent of our brain is a myth
Research fraud is nothing new: Here's how scientists manipulated data in the 1800s
Ancient DNA reveals gene flow between Eurasian and North American horses
The abortion debate hasn't always been focused on the fetus' right to life
The famous Jutulhogget canyon was created by a megaflood
Serving up edible kelp to Michelin restaurants and supermarkets
Children who got narcolepsy after the swine flu vaccine struggle with obesity and depression
The deep blue Arctic Ocean: A scientific diver's tales of life under water
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A few nursing home patients died earlier than expected after getting the Covid-vaccine
Here come the corona babies? 700 more births in Norway compared to the same period last year
Norwegian drug may increase ventilator free survival in hospitalized Covid-19 patients
A study on Irritable bowel syndrome resulted in improvement for 90 percent of patients, then their funding ran out
Women who struggle with urinary incontinence are more likely to experience anxiety and depression
Immigration to Scandinavia: Will Norwegian and Swedish Social Democrats follow the tough Danish line?
Fish in the Arctic deformed by tiny amounts of oil contamination
Does the sun make you sneeze? You have the ACHOO syndrome!
Now researchers know what’s underneath Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in continental Europe
Where the Atlantic heat meets the Arctic cold
Let’s talk dirty
Norwegian is the easiest of the Nordic languages to understand
More than 75 per cent reported mild side effects after the AstraZeneca vaccine in Norway
There were no murders in Norway, and then six people were killed within a few weeks. What happened?
Scientific divers sample ice algae and zooplankton below sea ice
Norwegian expert committee: Country should not use AstraZeneca or the Johnson & Johnson vaccines
Women's liberation and homoerotic desire in Knut Hamsuns works
Patients suffered severe nerve injury after removal of their contraceptive implants
Can foreign tourists be trusted to clean Norwegian mountain cabins?
Is train transport the most environmentally friendly way to move goods?
The growth of Airbnb can support tourism development in remote tourist destinations
A two-censor-system will be a disappointing setback for higher education in Norway
Fewer and fewer men want to become doctors
These groups of people drank more alcohol during the pandemic
Children and youth born prematurely are prescribed drugs to treat mental illness more often
Seven rare gold pendants were sacrificed 1500 years ago in Østfold county of Norway
Steering clear of our worst nightmares of artificial intelligence
Mixing production deep into the ocean
Are some people more prone to getting cavities than others?
Gender and family rhetoric of the German far right
How do companies and people hide money in tax havens?
This is where Neo-Nazi foreign fighters fought alongside communists
The AstraZeneca debate has not created anti-vaxxers in Norway
Twenty years of sequencing genes… for better or for worse
Norwegians were intimidated by the labour movement in the United States
Many Norwegians supported slavery in the United States
"A scintillating, but very misleading narrative," replies Nancy L. Coleman.
Never before have Norwegian women given birth to so few children
Closing schools did not give a better effect than strict infection measures
Netflix has made Norwegian TV shows better than ever
Spring, a biologically critical time window in the Arctic
Wolf packs don’t actually have alpha males and alpha females, the idea is based on a misunderstanding
Many Norwegians supported slavery in the United States
"A scintillating, but very misleading narrative," replies Nancy L. Coleman.
Visiting children who were quarantined in hospital over a hundred years ago
The rare side effects from the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines may have been seen in 15 year old animal studies
Companies can talk themselves into becoming more sustainable
Children who spent a lot of time in daylight were calmer
The miracle cure is exercise, not vitamin D
Rare intellectual disability: Norwegian doctor discovers supplements that help
The people who become CEOs aren’t necessarily the smartest in the company
Norway allows widespread and destructive fishing in protected sea areas
The lonely Algae
Norway continues the pause in vaccinations with AstraZeneca
Yes, we can prevent future pandemics
People vaccinated with AstraZeneca reported mild bleeding episodes significantly more often than those who got an mRNA vaccine
3% of the Norwegian population may have been infected by the coronavirus in 2020
The AstraZeneca vaccine may cause rare blood clots. Norwegian researchers are trying to find out why
Efforts to promote peace can make women more vulnerable
Six out of ten poor children in Norway have immigrant backgrounds
Menstrual art:Why do people still see red?
European Medicines Agency: Blood clots should be listed as a very rare side effect from the AstraZeneca-vaccine
Mimicking and manipulating the news: How neo-Nazis use professional media to promote antisemitism
Lost and (not always) found: The ups and downs of sediment trap deployments
Research on school lockdowns:These are the mistakes to avoid
What are we willing to pay for sustainable alpine skiing?
Norwegian health authorities will keep investigating possible side effects from the AstraZeneca vaccine
World tuberculosis day: Many people with TB are going untreated during the Covid-19 pandemic
Everything has to have somewhere to live
Researcher doubts the AstraZeneca vaccine will be used in Norway again
This is why Norway is still saying no to the AstraZeneca-vaccine
Two new patients dead from blood clots after having received the AstraZeneca-vaccine
The Dutch election: Far right side characters in the ‘Mark Rutte show’
Tiny Arctic wildlife matters
Five myths about the Big Bang
Norway is going to invest in hydrogen. But what happens when there’s a gas leak?
EU's drug regulator backs the AstraZeneca vaccine, calling it "safe and effective"
"Nothing but the vaccine can explain why these individuals had this immune response"
How healthy and climate friendly is Norwegian farmed salmon?
Norwegian researchers may have discovered promising Covid-19 treatments
Norwegian doctors are investigating if blood clots could be linked to the AstraZeneca-vaccine. Here's what they're looking for
Growing concern inside French academia due to controversy about “Islamo-leftism”
The hunt for the hidden life in water
Nordic people use gossip to deal with those who violate social norms
Living micro-tumours grown outside the body could cure brain cancer
Fertility rate in Norwaydrops to 1,5 childrenper woman
Why do animals hibernate?
What exactly is5G?
Almost half of us belong to the working class. But workers have become more invisible, researchers say
Brain researcher: Here’s why the pandemic came as a surprise to us
Why did things go so wrong in Sweden?
Ice Age algae bloom on Andøya
Split on a diverging ice floe
Life during the pandemic has been brutal for most, but some of us have experienced a new and better world
Older men don’t talk enough about sex
Could your brain run out of space?
Babies conceived with assisted reproduction weigh less when they are born, but they rapidly catch up
What do teachers need to feel confident about addressing sexual violence with students?
What distinguishes the men who buy sex from men who don’t?
‘The new normal’? Radical right resistance to the Dutch curfew
Research and social media: A dangerous cocktail or winged messenger?
Svalbard's special northern lights
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